A úsáidtear go coitianta i sicín, muc, lacha, beatha gé
De ghnáth a úsáidtear i bruscar cat tofu, cáithníní bruscair cat bentonite
De ghnáth a úsáidtear le haghaidh eallaigh, caoirigh, camels, capaill, srl.
A úsáidtear go coitianta in iasc, ribí róibéis, portán, beatha ceirrín
De ghnáth, adhmad sáfa, adhmad péine, scamhóga adhmaid, adhmad pailléid, teak, tuí, etc.
Bunaithe i 2006, tá Liyang Hongyang Feed Innealra Co. It has rich expereince and advanced techonology in manufacturing dies for poultry feed, fish feed, shrimp feed, cat litter pellets, cattle feed, wooden pellet, fertilizer pellet and etc. We choose good quality raw material for our dies, which is same as European material, with automatic drilling machines and advanced technology, dies working life is increased.